Moth recording at Pitsford Reservoir
1998 |
1999 |
2000 |
2001 |
1998 Macro Moth List
1999 Macro Moth List
2000 Macro Moth List
2001 Macro Moth List
1998 Macro Moth All Records
csv format |
1999 Macro Moth All Records
csv format |
2000 Macro Moth All Records
csv format |
1998 Micro Moth Report
1999 Micro Moth Report
2000 Micro Moth Report
2000 Macro Moth Summary
2000 Macro Moth Top 20
2000 Macro Moth Migrants
2002 |
2003 |
2004 |
2005 |
2002 Macro Moth List
2003 Moth Report
2004 Moth Report
2005 Macro Moth List
2003 Macro Moth Summary
2004 Moth Summary
2005 Moth Report
2003 Macro Moth Top 20
2003 Macro Seasonal Anomolies
2003 Macro Moth Report To Date
2003 Micro Moth Report
2006 |
2007 |
2008 |
2009 |
2006 Macro Moth List
2007 Macro Moth List
2008 Macro Moth List
2009 Macro Moth List
2006 Moth Report
2006 Macro Moth Summary
2006 Macro Moth Top 20
2006 Macro Summary To Date
2010 Macro Moth List
2011 Macro Moth List
2012 Macro Moth List
Moths are caught in two insect traps at Pitsford Water Nature Reserve. This reserve is owned by Anglia Water and is jointly run by Anglia Water and Northamptonshire Wildlife Trust.
Moth Traps
Each trap attracts insects using a 150w Mercury vapour lamp
Trap 1 - This trap is situated by the boat mooring and has run continuously since December 1998
Trap 2 - This trap is situated in woodland adjourning the lodge and has run continuously since March 1999
Contributors to Moth recording at Pitsford Reservoir
Collecting: Phil Horsnail, Bob Gill, Mischa Furafo
Identification: Phil Horsnail, Pete Sharpe, Diane Sharpe, David Manning
Collating: Cliff Christie, Mischa Furafo, Dave Francis