Northamptonshire Fungi

Activity Sheets - Colouring Pictures - Word Search - Powerpoint Presentation

Activity Sheets (Word documents)
Anatomy of a Mushroom (101Kb)
Notepaper (377Kb)
Fungi Facts 1 (102Kb)
Fungi Facts 2 (101Kb)
Gilled Fungi (99Kb)
Bracket Fungi (130Kb)
Puffballs (125Kb)
Earthstar (136Kb)
Fungi Checklist for fungi hunts (312Kb)

Fungi Wordsearch (145Kb)

Activity Sheet for Colouring (453 Kb)
Pictures on the activity sheet - copy and paste to make your own pictures

Fungi Powerpoint Presentation for wildlife clubs etc (1.7Mb)

Images on the Fungi Powerpoint Presentation - enlarge, then copy and paste to make your own presentations

Gilled Fungi

Bolete with pores

Bracket Fungi

Chanterelle with wrinkles

Club Fungi

Coral Fungi

Cup Fungi


Birds Nest


Jelly Fungi




Tooth Fungi